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An appeal  to the Baloch Nation for Unity.
          'Waja Ameeri had said that, "those who are on the defence-front, don`t expose themselves in such Public rallies, which was held in Quetta to receive Mr. Akhter Jan Mengal".  good. We think that Baloch`s weak point - Baloch fighting with Baloch - should not be exploited to get personel gains. All Baloch political parties should be united on a joint plate-form, nationalists or non-nationalists.
         Why some Baloch political Parties are criticizing the other Baloch Political Parties and have turned their guns against one another? Are they giving a worst written proof that they are slaves and can`t act independently but are becoming "his master`s voice"?
          Pakhtunkhawa Provincial Assembly has passed the resolution for complete Provincial Autonomy. Why does Balochistan Assembly not follows his foot-prints? Before the election some... !!?? were pressing Balochs for "election boycott". It was done but what is the result? Is Chagai in the controll of Baloch Freedom Fighters? Those who have occupied Balochistan Assembly,  are they really friends to the Baloch national interests? Now some Baloch Groups have let their arrows loose to target some Baloch Political Parties but they say nothing against the Government who is killing Balochs on daily basis. 
         Unite all Baloch Political Parties on one plateform, said Mir Kachkol Ali Baloch, an outspoken Baloch leader of a Baloch Party. 
      If united on a single Political plate-form like ,,,  "Baloch National Conference" or some-thing else,   Baloch nation shall be able to have leverage on the politics of South Asia and shall drive their own independent politics in Pakistan like a heavy weitht champion and shall be proved to be a bulwark for the interests of Balochistan, unlike the current situation, where countless Baloch Parties and groups  are running after different Pakistani Political Parties, as PPP, PML (N), PML(Q), APDM, Jimat Islami & etc.
          Baloch nation is under siege, facing target killing and attacks from Pakistani Army and some Baloch groups are  on the front-line  for self-defence. They, too,  must forge unity among themselves. The veteran leaders are,  probably, too old to make substantial decision but their nears and Party Workers  can guide them.
          The Veteran Baloch leaders should come-out from their dark caves and think that they are not representing their respective tribes,  any more but instead of it, they are representing & leading the whole Baloch nation. Instead of to be weary &  angry, they  should   negotiate with one an-other and jointly sit around a table to talk with the men from Islamabad.
        Baloch`s struggle -  fighting without any immediate  political solution of  the ground realities - shall benefit Talibans (Pakistani Military) indirectly and shall not result to  any political win to the Baloch nation.
       ISI of Pakistan does not wish  peace in tribal areas vis-a-vis volcanic  situation in Afghanistan, created by Talibanbs (Pakistani Military),  until the successful peace talks with Talibans of Afghanistan i.e. to take-over of Kabul through their Talibani Agents. In the same pipe-line, ISI continues to destabilize Balochistan without taking any steps of re-conciliation with Balochs, with their view to create kaos and pave the way of worst  military regime in Pakistan in the covered name of Talibans. One can cleary observe their acts  as they are making peace deals etc. with Talibans in FATA region of N.W.F.P.  On the other side, Pakistani Military is instigating Balochs for more fight as to create kaos every-where and at the end, 
to install Talibans (Pakistani Military regime) in both Kabul and in Islamabad.
        The Talibani bell is ringing in the political horizon of Pakistan which shall harm Balochistan, more than any others. To bring different Baloch political factions together, to inaugurate the conciliation among the different opinions and different Baloch Political Parties and to put a leverage on Baloch leader-ship to  adapt a joint strategy...... it is utmost important that all Baloch Political Parties should arrange a demonstration In Quetta ...to reject Talbinisation in Balochistan &  in N.W.F.P, to protest against Pakistani Talibani infilteration in Afghanistan and to denounce  the killing of Afghans & Balochs both in Afghanistan and Pakistan by Pakistani Military and their Talibans. Moreover, the Besiege of  Balochistan Assembly with the demands to pass a resolution about the  total autonomy or freedom of Balochistan,  shall be weighed  and valued, exceedingly  all over the world.
      The continuing enmity & genocide by  Pakistani establishment towards Balochs,, specially since 1977 -  after laying arms unconditionally - are unacceptable and unaffordable to Balochs. Unity of Balochs shall bring strength to serve as a bulwark to Balochistan on both Political and self-defence fronts. In other case,
the result is an open book of Baloch history in which the common Balochs
could not save their lives, even during the period of the so-called Civilian
Governments in both  Islamabad and in Quetta.
        The proposed joint action in Quetta shall turn the tables of "Pakistani leisure class"..... participated by all Baloch Political Parties, Baloch Student and Labour Organisation, Civil Society,  with their respective flags and demands,  hand in hand with the Pashtuns and Hazaras of Balochistan.... shall expose Pakistani Military's and their Talibani brutal attacks upon the victims of N.W.F.P & Afghanistan and   Balochs... whoare  being  targeted by Pakistani military,  wh are being denied their political rights, who are displaced from their mother-land and who are deprived from the fruits of Baloch soil.
( Friends of Balochs )